Brisbane Restaurant Magician
Dear Restaurant Owner and Management…
I know you have a lot on your mind and on your plate. I want to make your life easier while helping you increase business. Here are some questions that you may be thinking of right now.
Will my customers like magic?
People of all ages love magic! And most of the time they only see it on television. When they get to experience magic live, inches from their eyes, presented by a professional, this is an experience they will talk about for a long time to come. And the best part is that they’ll tell all of their friends where they saw the magic, thereby creating genuinely positive word-of-mouth advertising for your restaurant! The most popular shared videos on the internet involve magic. You can now incorporate this excitement in to your restaurant. Guests also always ask if they can take pictures and film the magic. This means your restaurant is tagged and shared. This is by far more effective than any other form of advertising.
Is magic right for my restaurant?
This is the #1 concern I hear from managers and I understand this thought completely. You’ve taken time and effort to create an atmosphere in your restaurants that your customers love and recognize. The only thing I’m here to do is to add to the warmth of the atmosphere you create. I work with a variety of restaurants, from fine dining establishment to bars, nightclubs and family focused venues. My experience has allowed me to fit right in to any venue.
Can magic really enhance the customer experience?
Yes, yes and yes! That is my #1 specialty! I know how to create that special magic moment that your guests will talk about for weeks, months and even years! I create custom presentations for each table and they love the special attention they receive at your restaurant! Whether it’s friends celebrating a birthday, a couple celebrating an anniversary or just the regulars coming in for dinner, I do something special for them that they will tell all of their friends about. And furthermore, if you have delays in the kitchen or the servers are in the weeds, the magic is that extra level of customer support that will keep your guests happy while they wait. Management and staff are usually too busy to spend any quality time with diners. That is where I come in as an ambassador for your restaurant. Not only providing a show, but really interacting and welcoming guests.
Can you really increase my business?
Simply put: when a customer of yours who has seen the magic has their friends or family in town that they want to take out to dinner and have to make a choice between two restaurants, they will pick your restaurant because it has “this incredible magician that you’ve just GOT to see!” Overtime this will add up to a lot of business! Plus, I have a way to track for you the exact ROI of the magic, so you can be sure you are getting fantastic value for money.
How will this be promoted?
It usually takes 3 weeks of performance at your venue for both the staff and the regular visitors to get used to the idea. Then the word-of-mouth starts to spread like wildfire! Over the first three months you’ll see a steady increase in customers asking for the magician and returning on another night knowing the magic is there. I will also provide the restaurant with a lobby poster and flyers designed to advertise the magic throughout the week and in the first week I have my professional photographer accompany me to capture some great moments you can start sharing on your social media and website straight away.

Light up your social media!
Nothing gets people taking pictures, sharing videos and telling the world about your restaurant more effectively than magic. PLUS, if you want your number of Facebook fans to shoot right up, I have tricks that involve guests liking your restaurant’s page and tagging themselves in pictures!

Plus! How is this for a great way to get people talking?! I will provide you with one of my very own ‘impossible items’. This is something that can be put on your counter or bar and draws the eye better than any poster or sign ever could. It is an item that defies logic. Like a full sized Rubik’s Cube inside a small bottle. Customers always ask about this, which is the perfect opportunity to tell them about the magician and give them a flyer, spreading word of mouth even faster. Then they always take a picture which goes straight to social media!

AND each week I will provide you with a short amazing and humourous video you can use to promote the night of magic. This WILL be shared by your fans guaranteed!
ALSO since magic is so different and such an interesting entertainment for a restaurant, I can easily organise promotion in local newspapers and on radio.

So don’t wait! Book in a trial night for your restaurant before dates fill up.